Practicing at Elemental Yoga Studio...

Because of the size of the studio, drop-in's are not allowed.  Single classes are available but please register for the class in advance by contacting the studio.

Please let me know if you have any injuries or current limitations, ideally in advance of class.

Please let me know if you are pregnant. Practice should always be done under the supervision of a physician.

Please turn off your cell phone once you’ve entered the studio. If you have a concern or are expecting an important call/message, you may keep it near you, but please put it on mute.

Please leave your shoes inside the door on the mat.  There are hooks for your outerwear and a cubby for your personal belongings.  There is no bathroom or dressing room so please come ready to practice.

Answers to some questions you may have...

Try to allow at least one hour to digest your food before before practicing.

Practice with bare feet. It can improve your alignment and you’re connection with the earth.  Shoes can make you feel stuck or disconnected and socks may cause you to slip in standing poses or avoid going deeper in the poses because you don’t feel “rooted”.

Wear comfortable clothing that you can move in freely.  Women may prefer to have a top that fits snugly so that it doesn’t “ride” up during inverted poses.  And in the colder weather, layers are a good idea.

Hold off drinking water until after class if possible.  It may reduce your body heat and move energy in a downward direction when the focus in an asana practice is on an upward flow.

You may want to avoid inverted poses when you have a headache or feel a migraine coming on.  Also, some women prefer not to do inversions during their menstrual cycle. 

And always...

Listen to your body and be aware of how you feel on any given day, at any given moment.  Respect that awareness and move through your yoga practice with that in mind.